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Public Bookstore a printed art collectivePublic Bookstore is a publication of Eyebuzz Fine Art. A printed collective of visual and written work. For this first issue of Public Bookstore there is no theme or topical guidelines. Drawing, mixed media, collage, photography, painting, pen and ink, poetry, short prose, random rants and scribblings. The book is a perfect bound, black and white, 8" x 8". For more information, e-mail us through our contact page. Ordering info below...

Artists / Writers
Beth Billups, Julie Broberg, Lois Cremmins, Dave Davis, Stephanie Dennis, Russell DeYoung, Nina Weinberg Doran, Maureen Fleming, Marcy B. Freedman, Bruce Habowski, Dorothy Handelman, Beth Hanson, Joanne Howard, Jennifer Judd-McGee, Elizabeth Kaplan, Robert Larson, Gail Lee, Yen-Hua Lee, Matt Licari, Scott Mason, Bill Mead, Ilse Schreiber Noll, Tom Sobolik, Elizabeth Solomon, Tara Thayer, Tim Thayer, Timon Tupper, Bret Wills

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Public Bookstore - book and show at Eyebuzz Fine Art

Public Bookstore

Keywords: art books, books on art, art anthology, collected images, art collectives, found objects, Westchester arts, tarrytown gallery, New York artists, Beth Billups, Julie Broberg, Lois Cremmins, Dave Davis, Stephanie Dennis, Russell DeYoung, Nina Weinberg Doran, Maureen Fleming, Marcy B. Freedman, Bruce Habowski, Dorothy Handelman, Beth Hanson, Joanne Howard, Jennifer Judd-McGee, Elizabeth Kaplan, Robert Larson, Gail Lee, Yen-Hua Lee, Matt Licari, Scott Mason, Bill Mead, Ilse Schreiber Noll, Tom Sobolik, Elizabeth Solomon, Tara Thayer, Tim Thayer, Timon Tupper, Bret Wills, obsessive artwork, folk art, outsider art, inspired art, art show, painting, Eyebuzz Fine Art, art zine, Hudson River artists, Public Bookstore, art collective

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